
We are dedicated to helping DIY and professional up-fitters with their van projects. It is our pleasure to share our engineering and fabrication knowledge and experience to help you complete your build and enjoy your van in comfort, safety and efficient style. Please contact Hein for help with your van solar panel and roof layout. If you have questions about this product you can call Hein at 541-490-5098. 

Crossbar Kit for use with our 8020 Rail Kit for Promaster or Ford Transit Vans
46" Crossbars for use with our 8020 Sprinter Tower Brackets
Ford Transit 8020 Roof Rail Kit
8020 1502-LS T Slotted Bars
Promaster 8020 Roof Rail Kit
Rail Clips for solar panel or 8020 crossbar attachment to formed rails
8020 1517-LS T Slotted Bars