Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners
Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners

Ford Transit Interior Framing for Air Conditioners

Regular price$188.80
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Suggested Accesories

Ford Transit High & Mid Roof Air Conditioner Adapter
Sikaflex 221 Adhesive
Interior support framing for air conditioners on the Ford Transit 130 and 148 Regular and Extended wheel base Low/Med/High Roof Transit.

The framing for the Front bay and the Mid bay are reinforced with steel bars. They come with end brackets and hardware. These are essential for supporting the weight of the air conditioner in these two longer bays. Sikaflex is used to fill the gap.  Please watch our video below.

The steel is not necessary on the Rear bay or Extended rear bay. Sikaflex adhesive is recommended to glue them in and fill the gap. We also offer them with the end brackets if desired.

Please note that the 130 wheel base does not have what we call a "Rear Bay". Please order the Front bay or the Mid bay.

Van owner and/or installer assumes all risk associated with roof top mounted items and/or components. Van owner and/or installer recognizes and agrees that this product, and each of its component parts, is sold "as is" and that seller makes no representation or warranty of merchantability that the product is fit for any particular purpose.